AT&T Device Showroom was a virtual environment created to train retail sales associates on upcoming and available devices. Each mobile device brand had a custom video to introduce their product. Each product had a 360-degree view, specs, white sheet and sales sheet to promote the accessories and network that they support. The virtual environment allowed users to chat with peers from another AT&T store to compare sales tips and identify customer pain points to penetrate the market.
I was responsible for the UI/UX planning and wireframing as shown in the screens below. Working with AT&T brand guidelines and the internal creative team we assembled a product that was used by over 120,000 members on a daily basis.
The documents below highlights the interactions available for the various interfaces the users had access to. Each device was a masked SWF player with the rotation tools. It was separated from the navigation on the right which allowed the users to load various details about the selected phone or accessory.